My Articles

Fungi: The Unexpected Fashion Icon

The fashion industry has always been one that is involved with pushing the boundaries of what is both accepted and possible. The environmental impact of the fashion industry is often called into question, with many brands now specifically focusing on pushing the possibilities of sustainability, in an attempt to distance themselves from companies who have a reputation of ‘not caring’.

Whilst flowers and nature have for a long time been a regular feature in fashion, mushrooms and fungi have previ

Greenhaus Mushroom Guide: Turkey Tails

The world of mushrooms and fungi has a history of use dating back thousands of years. Recent archaeological findings suggest that edible mushrooms were consumed in Chile as long as 13,000 years ago. There is also clear evidence of their use within Europe for over 5,000 years, with the famous ‘iceman’ mummy, otherwise known as Ötzi being found with a Hoof fungus or Tinder Conk by his side. This fungus was used throughout the continent at the time for its firestarting and slow burning properties,

Anatomy of a Mushroom

Did you know humans share about 40% of our DNA with mushrooms, making them more similar to us than the plants they help to grow? So, maybe we should get to know them a little better…

Mushrooms are made up by both visible and invisible elements. The part we above ground see has a cap, stalk and gills – but underneath it forms a mass of threadlike strands called mycelium, that make up the fungus. Mycelium is often the material that is being formed into vegan leather and alternatives to polystyren

Which CBD Vape is Right for you?

Whether you’re well experienced or completely new to vaping, entering the world of CBD oil can often be quite daunting. At Greenhaus we are here to guide you on your journey into CBD vaping.

We have specifically chosen a small range of products, designed to only bring you the most premium vapes on the market, whilst making your decision as easy as possible. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for an entry level, disposable vape or a permanent and viable alternative to smoking, we will have you

The Wellness Buzz

Standing in the snow, with a dazzlingly blue lake behind them, six people begin to do a breathing exercise before submerging themselves in an ice bath… all to relieve stress and promote wellness. These shivering participants are featured in an episode of Netflix’s the goop lab, in which Gwenyth Paltrow and her staff try an array of tactics (including vampire facials, orgasms and energy fields) that seek to promote wellness.

Goop, as a brand, has become the by-word for laughably, ridiculously ex

What are the benefits of natural supplements?

Natural supplements are a wide range of products, some of which have been used for thousands of years, long before the birth of the synthetic pharmaceutical industry. Our society has now become normalised with taking a small white pill to solve our issues and ailments, both physical and mental. We have largely forgotten the traditional therapies that civilisations previously relied on to improve their health. Often deemed as ‘alternative medicines’, the true potential of either adding natural su

The Psychedelic Renaissance

Psychedelics are powerful psychoactive chemicals that alter perception, mood and numerous cognitive processes. They should not be confused with legal medicinal mushrooms or supplements, which do not have psychoactive effects. They work by affecting our serotonin receptors and so they can also be known as serotonergic hallucinogens. The chemicals have a chequered past, which predates written history and has seen them both revered socially, spiritually and psychologically whilst being outlawed and

Psychedelic Therapies

With a serious paradigm shift from western societies’ total reliance and trust in pharmaceuticals has come a new wave, not green, but this time iridescent and psychedelic in nature. Focusing largely on health and therapeutic benefits, The Psychedelic Renaissance is well and truly here. The real question is how long will it take for patients to finally access the psychedelic therapies that have been long overdue in the UK?

The history of psychedelic use for therapeutic, shamanic and recreational

The Anxious Age

Throughout history, there has been a sense that the nebulous, difficult-to-describe feeling of ‘anxiety’ is something that sums up an entire generation. But has an ‘age of anxiety’ ever truly existed?

In 1947, W. H. Auden wrote ‘The Age of Anxiety’, a poetic sequence examining the ways in which a rapidly industrialising world was impacting individual subjectivity in the modern age. Subtitled ‘A Baroque Eclogue’, the long poem itself might not be the most quotable but the title of the collection

The Anxious Age

Throughout history, there has been a sense that the nebulous, difficult-to-describe feeling of ‘anxiety’ is something that sums up an entire generation. But has an ‘age of anxiety’ ever truly existed?

In 1947, W. H. Auden wrote ‘The Age of Anxiety’, a poetic sequence examining the ways in which a rapidly industrialising world was impacting individual subjectivity in the modern age. Subtitled ‘A Baroque Eclogue’, the long poem itself might not be the most quotable but the title of the collection

Four Ways to Help a Healthy Gut

For a long time, scientists thought that stress and anxiety directly affected the gut. But it might be the other way around. Your gut is called the ‘second brain’ for a reason – a system of nerves, neurons and neurotransmitters travels the length of the entire digestive tract. Although this ‘second brain’ might not process thoughts, scientists now believe it is intimately connected with our feelings. As Scientific America put it ‘the enteric nervous system enables us to “feel” the inner world of

Greenhaus Ultimate Mushroom Guide

With the whole host of medicinal mushrooms available on the market today it is easy to get overwhelmed by the complicated terminologies and the vast array of benefits on offer. At Greenhaus we always aim to guide you towards an easy choice, so you can feel confident and informed before making your purchase.

We have compiled a number of mushroom guides, if you are looking for some more in depth details about a specific mushroom or medicinal herb, however we also felt a comparison chart would all

Greenhaus Mushroom Guide: Cordyceps

Cordyceps are a variety of fungi with over 750 different species, all with varying active chemicals and medicinal properties. The fungus has been used in Chinese medicines for centuries, with two main species being used (Cordyceps Militaris & Cordyceps Sinensis). The fungus is largely touted for its natural energy boosting properties, however it is used in traditional medicines for a number of other applications, which we will discuss later on in the article.

Cordyceps sinensis is famous for be

Greenhaus Mushroom Guide: Reishi

Reishi, which is also known as lingzhi, or its scientific name Ganoderma lucidum, is a wood growing fungus that has documented medical uses dating back over 2000 years. Often nicknamed ‘the mushroom of immortality’ the fungi has a long history of use for promoting health and longevity in China, Japan and a host of other Asian countries.

The mushroom was mentioned in a number of notable early Chinese scripts, where its therapeutic properties were first documented. The Ben Cao Gang Mu by Li Shin-

Greenhaus Mushroom Guide: Lion's Mane

Lion’s Mane is one of the most talked about medicinal mushrooms of recent times, with supposed neurotropic benefits that may even include neurogenesis (the birth of neurons). The fungi, which is scientifically known as Hieracium Erinaceus, is an edible and medicinal mushroom, which has a history of use dating back up to 2,000 years in Traditional Chinese Medicine, where it was formulated into a tonic, used to support the overall health of the consumer.

The fungi, which is native to Europe, Asia

Greenhaus Natural Guide: Ashwagandha

Ashwagandha (withania somnifera), which is often also called indian ginseng and winter cherry, is an evergreen shrub that grows throughout India, The Middle East and parts of Africa. The shrub has a history of use dating back over 3,000 years, with it being one of the most prominent herbs used in traditional Ayurveda medicine treatments. Ayurveda is a natural system of medicine that originated in India. Loosely translated as knowledge of life, the practice is based on the idea that disease is du

Greenhaus Natural Guide: Elderberry

What is an elderberry

The elder tree (sambucus nigra), which the elderberry is a part of, is an extremely diverse plant with a detailed history of use throughout Europe, dating back thousands of years. Our first known mention of the elder tree actually comes from the ancient Greek physician Hippocrates, who lived between 460 BC and 370 BC and is commonly known as ‘the father of medicine’. He referred to elder as his ‘medicine chest’, due to the wide range of ailments it could be used to treat.

Which CBD is right for me?

Since CBD products first started making a mainstream appearance, in 2018, the popularity of the non psychoactive, cannabis derived chemical has soared. The market has now been flooded with such a vast array of products that buyers are often faced with a ‘choice overload’, making it increasingly difficult to know where to even begin.

Many CBD websites offer hundreds of different brands and options, leaving many potential CBD users totally lost when it comes to choosing which products will be mos

4 ways to create a CBD routine

It might be unsurprising that a consumer insight report noted that 63% of millennials who experience stress use CBD at least once a week to manage symptoms. Since CBD has become a tool with which to practice looking after ourselves there are many aspects of our lives we can enter it into our routine.

Building a routine requires an element of willpower but adding CBD can be easy with the right products. Whether you like to exercise in the morning, treat yourself to a mid-afternoon snack or want

Quitting Smoking with CBD

Can CBD help you quit smoking?

Whether it's cigarettes, joints or bongs, there is no denying that smoking/combusting all day, every day is not ideal for your health. The idea of quitting can be a scary prospect, with cravings, irritability, heightened stress and even headaches being just some of the negative effects facing you, however with the wealth of new vaping and CBD products on the market there might just be a new way to satisfy your cravings for daytime smoking.

Quitting tobacco does c

What is CBD Distillate?

Distillation is an ancient method of extraction and purification that uses a process of heating and cooling to separate specific chemicals from a starting material. Often used traditionally in essential oil and petroleum extraction, the method had been adapted specifically for cannabis extraction, both from the hemp and cannabis plant.

Evidence of early methods of distillation can be found in Aristotle’s writings, as far back as the fourth century BCE, when he wrote that “Seawater can be made p

Rizla Etiquette

In any corner shop or off licence today you will see a selection of rolling papers, both big and small, offering smokers of both tobacco and cannabis a choice of not only size but also brand, thickness of paper and even colour. Small papers are used for tobacco, ‘big skins’ are almost exclusively used for smoking herb. You can now find an extensive range of top tier papers, roaches and smoking accessories on the Greenhaus site.

Growing up I always thought that the government (powers that be) co

What is CBD?

Cannabidiol, more commonly known as CBD, is one of over 100 chemical compounds found within the cannabis plant.

The chemical has gained major popularity in recent years, due to its supposed medical benefits, coupled with its lack of psychoactive properties.

Whilst the chemical was first isolated in 1942, its use did not gain real public attention until recent years. Due to both legislation and stigma surrounding the main psychoactive chemical in cannabis, THC, research surrounding CBD has hist
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